Gold Standard
Wherever CO2 emissions are unavoidable and reduction measures are no longer effective, certificates from recognized climate protection projects offer the opportunity to make an effective contribution to protecting the environment and combating global warming.
By offsetting emissions through the purchase and retirement of such certificates, companies, other organizations, products and services can be made climate- neutral. To ensure the ecological and social sustainability of climate protection projects, the Worldwide Fund For Nature (WWF) has developed the Gold Standard®. TUV NORD CERT certifies climate protection projects in accordance with the requirements of the world's strictest standard for voluntary emissions trading.
Benefits of certification
As the criteria go further than many other standards for climate protection projects, Gold Standard® project certification significantly increases the market value of the carbon offsets and thus of the CO2 certificates. Organizations that generate or acquire certificates from Gold Standard® projects demonstrate a high sense of responsibility towards people and the environment.
Keywords: Higher market value, Strong impression of corporate responsibilit
Validation / Verification process